How do I navigate around and customise the layout of my eBook?

You can easily change the layout of your eBook to make it easier to read as well as navigate quickly with Table of Contents and Search.

Access the navigation and customisation tools 

In order to access the tools and settings to customise your reading experience or navigate around an eBook quickly, click or tap anywhere on any page and a header and footer appears. Each contains the many useful tools to navigate and use your eBook.

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Settings Cog

The eBook setting icon (the cog) is located on the bottom left corner of the page. 

Settings allow you to:

  • Find out the Reader version, which is useful information for troubleshooting an issue  
  • Enable or disable dark mode or sepia mode (eNovels only) for easier reading
  • Change the page flow to be horizontal or vertical scrolling 
  • Enable or disable continuous viewing mode if you prefer to view one page at a time or multiple 
  • Change the gutter size, so that you can have more padding between pages 

Adjusting Zoom 

The zoom indicator next to the Setting icon allows you to zoom in and out of the page for easier reading.  

Page Number

The page number indicator in the middle section of the bottom toolbar allows you to go directly to any particular page.

Please note that the number inside the brackets indicates the PDF page number, and the number outside indicates the page number on the printed textbook. 

This gives you flexibility in directing students to exactly where you want to them to go depending on if you're referencing the hard copy or digital copy. 

Table of Contents

The table of content is located on the bottom right corner of the page. Clicking this icon will bring up the table of contents, allowing you to jump straight to any topic. 

Using the Search Bar

Quick find specific words or sections by using the Search bar built into the ReadCloud eReader. Click anywhere on the page to bring up the header and footer, and you can see the search button on the top right corner.

Type the word or sentence you’re looking for in the search bar and press enter to see results appear. The search bar will tell you how many times that word or sentence appears in the text and you can use the arrow bars to navigate between search results. 

Home Button

Return back to the ReadCloud Bookshelf by clicking the Home button

Learn more 

Watch this tutorial video walking you through the eReader and how to use the different features and tools inside.